Monday, April 26, 2010

Just another Monday......

This past Sunday the Lhasa Club sponsored a canine massage seminar at Pet Junction. Jacque was our presenter. There was a very nice turn out, about 15 people. Very useful information. I think everyone enjoyed it and I received positive feedback.

Myth is coming along in her agility training. She is doing well on all the contacts, loves the A-frame and is enjoying the teeter, especially when there is braunsweiger waiting at the end. She does have a little trouble focusing in class when we do one jump exercises, I have decided to only do each exercise a couple of time – the same as we do at home, otherwise she just gets bored and tends to wander off and try to visit Terry and Katie. Last week we put together a 5 jump sequence with two front crosses – she did great! At home we have been working on short sequences and tunnels and keeping it fun! We have had to step back a little on the tunnel, when I add to much of a bend she will go in a few feet turn around and come back out, baby steps. She will be a year old the beginning of June and I am trying to decide by which method she will learn the weaves….Channel or 2x2, or a combination……of course either will require an equipment purchase.

A week ago Sunday, we went over to Mary’s for a feet trimming lesson. It was an absolutely gorgeous day, Josie and Myth got to play with Moka and Roman, well, mostly Myth & Moka played. Here are a few clips of the girls;

This coming weekend Josie has a USDAA agility trial, we are hoping for a standard and gamblers Qs so we can move up to the advanced level. As long as she hits the down contact on the dog walk, which is shorter than AKC she should get the standard Q, gambers...well working from a distance is not our strong suit but it is something we have been working on so just maybe. She has been weaving like a fool at home, it helps so much when we can get out there everyday and I can send her through the weaves once or twice, she really picks up speed.

"It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes a difference." Bear Bryant


Debby said...

Thought it would be fun to do an Elliot/Edie agility training update on your blog. Nice reward for Deb - video of Myth and Moka! They are lovely!

Last night Lori let me introduce Elliot to the dog walk during Edie's class, as I wanted to leave early. I didn't know all day if I was going to make it to class. The A-frame was introduced two weeks ago. While the rest of class was willing to explore going up the A-frame, neither Edie nor Elliot were interested. So Lori had me place them on the A-frame, starting very close to the end, and walk them off. We increased the distance from there, working back to about 3/4s up the A-frame (which was in a lowered position.

Last night I started Edie similarly. She went down the dog-walk with great confidence, almost showing off. We stopped after a great walk that included the entire flat surface and then coming down the ramp.

Elliot was next. I started with one short walk-off. Yummy! Chicken! He turned around, looked at the dog-walk, proceeded up it, across it and down it!! At the end of the contact zone, lots of yummy chicken!! I looked at Lori and told her we were stopping on the great high note. Agreed!

I find myself 'herding' the dogs in, practicing those 'never let the dog cross behind your back' skills. And directing them into their kennel runs. Not that it will matter to most of them, but it's sure helping me integrate that 'language'.

Mary, Taz, Roman, Moka said...

Dear Melissa: luv the video however don't you think the title on mine should be Roman and M&Ms?

Luv, Roman