Monday, February 28, 2011


Whew, how time flies…..

Back on February 11-13 the gang and I had an agility trial at On The Run. Friday was for excellent only;

Josie started with her very first Q in Excellent A Fast – the send was a relatively easy one for Excellent but still we had to work for it – she was a very good girl with some pretty decent weaves. She did Q in both Standard and Jumpers with two second places and double Q #10 towards MACH2. Suds had an OK day he didn’t Q in either but it was only the weaves that knocked him out – they were set up very close to the timer/scribe and the spectators and that is always difficult for him.

Saturday Myth started the day with Open jumpers – had just a little difficulty with her handler….a little off course handling, ops, but Myth was fantastic running fast and happy! She then had her standard run, had to take two attempts at the weaves, but nailed the chute !!! Yeah!! good girl, this was her 2nd leg towards her Novice Standard title.
Josie was as good as usual, Q’d in both Jumpers and Standard with a 2nd place in standard and 3rd in Jumpers – the darn weaves and teeter keeping her out of the blue……QQ #11. Suds still struggled a little, but I was so happy with him since his second run was not until 5:30pm and we had been there since 7am, not quite as energetic, he still ran happy!

Sunday Josie had a pretty good jumpers run – slowest weaves all weekend. Unfortunately she had an off course in Standard; Tunnel/A-frame discrimination, suppose to take the A-frame, well silly me, I was a little lazy since the A-frame is one of her favorite obstacles figured she would take….nope, had a blazing time and the rest of the course was just awesome! Suds finally got a Q in Jumpers with a 1st place. He was a good boy and did the A-frame, of course I handled it better for him;-). It was also the first time Suds has done a 3day trial and he finished strong.

Myth had a little issue in Open Jumpers, was kind of distracted at the start, about half way through really kicked it up – fantastic weaves! AND her standard run was pretty good, there was one moment the judge was closer to her than me and she hesitated, but came right back to me and finished the course for 1st place and her title ;-) She is now MeLou Shambhala NA NAJ !

Myth's standard run;

Over all a very good agility weekend, had some fun, picked up some Qs and a new title.

This last weekend Josie and I did her first Rally trial…..Saturday she was a bit distracted (could have been a bit of nerves for both of us), very wide, not very good heeling. The judge was very forgiving and we did Q with a score of 93. Must remember this Judge ;-)

Sunday was way better, much more focused and willing. We Q’d with a score of 97, we lost points on her around finish – way to far from me, something we need to work on and her down from the sit took two commands as she was keeping her eye on the judge (reminds me of someone else). It was fun to do a Rally trail again, and think it was a good change of pace for Josie. It will be interesting to see how she runs in the agility trial this weekend, it is at the same place as the Rally trial was.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMGosh that is the cutest thing ever! I was wondering if Lhasas did agility, and found this by googling. Now I want to try it with my girl! Have you ever noticed it is easier to get behind a Lhasa and say "go"than to try to make them "come"? Maybe it's just my dog haha.