Yes, the blog has taken a backseat ;-)
It’s been a busy summer; Agility, Conformation, stuff…..Myth picked up her second major at the Kettle Moraine Kennel Club shows in July, unfortunately her picture was just awful ;-( I didn’t even buy it. August brought another successful TCLAC Specialty. While not a huge entry it was a relatively good showing. Josie and Myth were entered, Josie entered to help the numbers she ended up earning Select Bitch on Friday. Myth showed well, no wins, but on Saturday at the St. Croix Valley Kennel Club show, she won Best of Winners (2 pts) to earn her Championship ! Yeah !

Both have done a few agility trials, Josie as usually has been awesome, her weaves have really sped up, so Happy !! The key is to remember no matter what do NOT let her think she has made a mistake, she will slow down and get very careful. Myth has had a little confidence issue, if I get to far ahead of her she stops. I have been trying to keep her training sessions short and fun. She ran really well at both the AKC and CPE trial we did at soccerblast. In CPE she Q’d in all but 1 class, earned her CPE CL1-H title, alas, we are stuck in Open purgatory in AKC…..She had a single error in all her classes, I am not fixing things (going back for missed jumps, re-starting weaves, etc) to keep her motivated and moving forward.
Ella has been in the Tweeners class at On the Run, a class for experience handlers with dogs that are not quite beginners. She has really come a long way. She is working really well at class, although will find the dog walk from anywhere ;-). She is still not terribly focused working outdoors, but is now able to put a couple of obstacles together. She ran in her first agility trial, CPE at soccerblast, she was awesome, Q’d in all 3 of her runs and earned her CPE CL1-R title. She also got a hair cut…..
Suds ran great at the Rochester MN KC trial, loves outdoors, a couple of minor things kept him from a QQ, but he Q’d in either STD or JWW each of the 3 days.
Exciting news. Myth’s win at the SCVKC also earned her an invite to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. So, Josie, Ella and Myth all earned invites….Suds was so close, because he runs in preferred he is in line after all the dogs running regular. I believe he ended up 8th – not bad for the little boy. Of course, the only one making the trip this year will be Josie. She is entered and we have our plane and hotel reservations. I am hoping to finish with 4 clean rounds and a better overall time than last year, making it to the finals will be icing ;-) I think the competition in the 8” division will be a little tougher this year.
This week we head to Albuquerque, NM for the American Lhasa Apso Club’s National Specialty. This past weekend was filled with dog baths, organizing the van and packing, since we have classes Monday and Tuesday evening. I am really looking forward to it, should be a fun week. Everyone is entered in a UK Agility International agility trial on the 8 & 9, then we have Monday off to watch the top 20 competition. Tuesday Myth is entered in the Lhasa Apso Club of Central Colorado’s specialty. Wednesday is Agility day all are entered. Hoping Myth can get one Q and maybe earn a title. Thursday is the Regional, Josie is entered, I believe she will be the only Champion entered with agility titles. Friday is the National, I have no one entered so get to watch.
“There isn't a person anywhere who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can.” Henry Ford
It’s been a busy summer; Agility, Conformation, stuff…..Myth picked up her second major at the Kettle Moraine Kennel Club shows in July, unfortunately her picture was just awful ;-( I didn’t even buy it. August brought another successful TCLAC Specialty. While not a huge entry it was a relatively good showing. Josie and Myth were entered, Josie entered to help the numbers she ended up earning Select Bitch on Friday. Myth showed well, no wins, but on Saturday at the St. Croix Valley Kennel Club show, she won Best of Winners (2 pts) to earn her Championship ! Yeah !
Both have done a few agility trials, Josie as usually has been awesome, her weaves have really sped up, so Happy !! The key is to remember no matter what do NOT let her think she has made a mistake, she will slow down and get very careful. Myth has had a little confidence issue, if I get to far ahead of her she stops. I have been trying to keep her training sessions short and fun. She ran really well at both the AKC and CPE trial we did at soccerblast. In CPE she Q’d in all but 1 class, earned her CPE CL1-H title, alas, we are stuck in Open purgatory in AKC…..She had a single error in all her classes, I am not fixing things (going back for missed jumps, re-starting weaves, etc) to keep her motivated and moving forward.
Ella has been in the Tweeners class at On the Run, a class for experience handlers with dogs that are not quite beginners. She has really come a long way. She is working really well at class, although will find the dog walk from anywhere ;-). She is still not terribly focused working outdoors, but is now able to put a couple of obstacles together. She ran in her first agility trial, CPE at soccerblast, she was awesome, Q’d in all 3 of her runs and earned her CPE CL1-R title. She also got a hair cut…..
Suds ran great at the Rochester MN KC trial, loves outdoors, a couple of minor things kept him from a QQ, but he Q’d in either STD or JWW each of the 3 days.
Exciting news. Myth’s win at the SCVKC also earned her an invite to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. So, Josie, Ella and Myth all earned invites….Suds was so close, because he runs in preferred he is in line after all the dogs running regular. I believe he ended up 8th – not bad for the little boy. Of course, the only one making the trip this year will be Josie. She is entered and we have our plane and hotel reservations. I am hoping to finish with 4 clean rounds and a better overall time than last year, making it to the finals will be icing ;-) I think the competition in the 8” division will be a little tougher this year.
This week we head to Albuquerque, NM for the American Lhasa Apso Club’s National Specialty. This past weekend was filled with dog baths, organizing the van and packing, since we have classes Monday and Tuesday evening. I am really looking forward to it, should be a fun week. Everyone is entered in a UK Agility International agility trial on the 8 & 9, then we have Monday off to watch the top 20 competition. Tuesday Myth is entered in the Lhasa Apso Club of Central Colorado’s specialty. Wednesday is Agility day all are entered. Hoping Myth can get one Q and maybe earn a title. Thursday is the Regional, Josie is entered, I believe she will be the only Champion entered with agility titles. Friday is the National, I have no one entered so get to watch.
“There isn't a person anywhere who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can.” Henry Ford