Headed south on Thursday morning, picked up Julie and her three dogs, we drove to Oklahoma City and spent the night. We made it to Albuquerque late afternoon on Friday.
The weekend trial was a UKI trial, an entirely new organization for me and the crew, yet the trial was very small, so quite enjoyable, Josie and Suds picked up a Q or two, Myth & Ella had a fair time.
Monday was the top 20, I was recruited as a ring steward, and it was actually very fun.
Tuesday was the Colorado club’s specialty – I had Myth entered, but since I was on vacation and she is still very immature looking for a special I decided not to show her and just enjoyed the show ;-)
Wednesday, ALAC agility day, well, being chief course builder and the fact there were so few dogs presented a few disadvantages, it did not allow me to give each dog the warm up/pre- run routine or prepare myself and focus on the course. This really showed on Josie’s runs, she was a good girl, but it felt a little disconnected and thus no Qs…oh well. With Suds it really didn’t matter, since he usually runs best going straight from crate/van to the ring, he ended up with a Q in JWW and almost Q in STD (I just needed to support weave poles #11 & 12 more). Myth, would have been really nice to get 1 Q, but, still trial stress shows up at the weaves, especially with how little warm up I was able to do. Ella, she had a super time, she only missed a few obstacles, but stayed with me 90% of the time! The potential is there for her to be better than Josie.
The little blob heading toward the chute is Ella;
Thursday was the Regional. I had Josie entered with the hopes that she would make the cut. She showed really well and not only did she make the cut, she ended up with an Award of Merit! Very Cool ! and she was the only one in the ring with additional titles, little superstar ;-) The official photo has not come yet, but here is one a friend took;
Friday was the National, I did not have anyone entered, so just relaxed and watched. Ella left in the morning with Debby to head for Colorado and hopefully give us some puppies. In the late afternoon did most of our packing for the trip home.
Saturday were loaded up and headed home by 7am. We made it to Kansas City and spent the night, was a restless night as a couple of the dogs would not settle. We made it to Julie’s by about 1:30, unloaded her dogs and stuff. I made it home by 2:30 and had all afternoon to unload and relax.